Possible Transportation to East Indiaman Ridge
1054.1mm x 225.425mm x 146.05mm
Shovel in ground, documentation booklet
Limited Edition of 10, 1 Artists Proof
New York, New York
© David Greg Harth
Possible Transportation to East Indiaman Ridge
1054.1mm x 225.425mm x 146.05mm
Shovel in ground, documentation booklet
Limited Edition of 10, 1 Artists Proof
New York, New York
© David Greg Harth
Possible Transportation To East Indiaman Ridge took place in St. Petersburg, Florida. The show was on exhibit from March 31 - May 31, 2001 at Szilage Gallery.
Szilage Gallery
601 9th Street S.
St. Petersburg, Florida 33705
on the corner of 9th Street South and 6th Avenue South
A shovel was stuck in the ground at these coordinates at the center of the property:
27 47' 52" N 82 41' 43" W
The title of the art work is from the direct opposite side of the earth from the above coordinates. In this case, East Indiaman Ridge (the closest named place in the Indian Ocean, exactly on the opposite side of the world)
There are 10 shovels in this limited edition. 1-10.
Any shovel may be placed anywhere in the world. But when placed, the title of that individual shovel changes. One must find the coordinates of your shovel location and then using the formula below, find the coordinates on the opposite side of the world. Then name appropriately.
Shovel Location:
27 47' 52" N 82 41' 43" W
Opposite Location:
27 47' 52" S 97 18’ 17" E
Formula Explanation With Example:
Take the original (shovel location) coordinates and translate them into the other side of the earth.
Shovel Location:
27 degrees 47' minutes 52” seconds NORTH Latitude
82 degrees 41' minutes 43" seconds WEST Longitude
Opposite Location:
27 degrees 47' minutes 52" seconds SOUTH Latitude
97 degrees 18’ minutes 17" seconds EAST Longitude
LATITUDE is the North (N) or South (S) number and it is the same, just North or South.
(Opposite of the shovel location).
27 degrees 47' minutes 52” seconds N Latitude
27 degrees 47' minutes 52" seconds South Latitude
The second location Latitude coordinates are obtained by subtracting from 180 degrees, which would give you the opposite side of earth. Remember 360 degrees all the way around, therefore half-way would be 180. . [One can only go up to 180 East or 180 West] The measure of location is stated as degrees, minutes, and seconds. There are 360 degrees in the circumference of the earth and 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute of a degree.
If you are East of 0 degree mark (Greenwich England),
then you subtract from 180 and state the answer as WEST.
If you are West of 0 degree mark (Greenwich England),
then you subtract from 180 and state the answer as EAST.
St. Petersburg is WEST of 0 degree mark (Greenwich England)
so subtract from 180 and state result as WEST.
82 degrees 41' minutes 43" seconds WEST Longitude
97 degrees 18’ minutes 17" seconds EAST Longitude
always subtract from 180. otherwise you get values that are not locatable on the map.
50+180=230 this does not exist
180-50=130 this does exist
remember when subtracting with minutes and seconds to "borrow" correctly, see example:
180 00' 00”
- 82 41' 43"
179 59' 60"
- 82 41' 43"
97 18' 17"
So when you subtract form 180 you must change the hemisphere of your result.
50WEST changes to 130EAST 180-50=130
130EAST changes to 50WEST 180-130=50
70EAST changes to 110WEST 180-70=110
180 - X = A (Remember to change hemisphere)
How To Figure Out Your Current Coordinates:
This part of the art is your responsibility.
Useful Information:
Address Location of the shovel
Zip Code Location of the shovel
The Internet
www.TopoZone.com (This website was active at the time of the project and was helpful)
GPS unit (Global Positioning System)
You have shovel # ______________
© 2001 David Greg Harth
Possible Transportation to East Indiaman Ridge
1054.1mm x 225.425mm x 146.05mm
Shovel in ground, documentation booklet
Limited Edition of 10, 1 Artists Proof
New York, New York
© David Greg Harth